NSW Department of Education

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Creating a safe gaming environment for children

Tips and strategies for creating a safe gaming environment for children and young people.

Gaming can help young people learn important skills

Playing and making games can help children and young people to develop important skills like coding, problem solving and creativity.

The benefits of playing online games

Playing games can be good for you! There are social, emotional and cognitive benefits for playing video games and online games.

How chat, texting and messaging can keep us connected

Staying in touch with friends and family is now easier than ever before. Young people are using online communication to build friendships, share their lives and work together.

Collaborating online

Collaborating effectively is an important skill for both students and teachers. A good digital citizen can use online tools to work with people from around the world.

Teaching and learning with games

Teachers can use game-based learning leverage students passions for games in order to make learning more meaningful, authentic, accessible and engaging.

Managing screen time

Managing the amount of time children and young people spend in front of a screen is a concern that many parents and teachers share. Set reasonable expectations for the amount of time your child or young person is spending in front of a screen, and for the type and quality of that screen time.

Resource - An interview with a fake news creator

A journalist tracks down and interviews a fake news creator.

Healthy technology use

Technology can be helpful in maintaining health when used thoughtfully and in moderation.

What makes a good password?

Keeping your passwords strong and secure is one way to stay safe online. What makes a good password?

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