NSW Department of Education

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Resource - Keeping Kids Safe Resources

The resources are written for a diverse range of students from prep to senior years and the suite contains over 20 videos and activities.

Healthy technology use

Technology can be helpful in maintaining health when used thoughtfully and in moderation.

The benefits of playing online games

Playing games can be good for you! There are social, emotional and cognitive benefits for playing video games and online games.

Resource - Digital News Report: Australia 2019

Find out which Australians are most prepared to pay for their news and on which platforms, and which are most concerned about fake news.

What makes a good password?

Keeping your passwords strong and secure is one way to stay safe online. What makes a good password?

Managing screen time

Managing the amount of time children and young people spend in front of a screen is a concern that many parents and teachers share. Set reasonable expectations for the amount of time your child or young person is spending in front of a screen, and for the type and quality of that screen time.

What do I need to know about in-game chat?

Video games are becoming more social. Players are now able to talk and plan with other players in online games. Here is everything you need to know about in-game chatting.

What are the benefits of chat and messaging?

Texting, chatting and online messaging can be used for much more than simply communicating with your friends. Online communication can help young people build and develop social skills and gives them a platform to share their skills and help each other out.

Leaving a digital footprint

Your digital footprint is the record of all your interactions online. Once something is posted or shared online, it can be there forever. Understanding your digital footprint helps you choose and control what you leave online for others to find.

What are the benefits of social media?

Social media, when used in a responsible and age-appropriate way, can help children learn, think critically and build the skills they need for the future.

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