NSW Department of Education

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What makes a good password?

Keeping your passwords strong and secure is one way to stay safe online. What makes a good password?

Collaborating online

Collaborating effectively is an important skill for both students and teachers. A good digital citizen can use online tools to work with people from around the world.

Searching and sorting information effectively

With these handy hints, anyone can be an expert at searching and sorting information online. Knowing how to effectively search for and sort through information can make browsing the web safer and more productive. Teachers and parents can model to children and young people how to use search terms effectively and how to select trustworthy sources online.

Healthy technology use

Technology can be helpful in maintaining health when used thoughtfully and in moderation.

Teaching and learning with games

Teachers can use game-based learning leverage students passions for games in order to make learning more meaningful, authentic, accessible and engaging.

Using technology in schools – your rights and responsibilities

In order to ensure that all students and teachers in public schools can be provided with safe, secure and quality access to the internet, the NSW Department of Education expects all staff and students to understand and abide by the Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Services policy.

Resource - Talking about sharing on social media

Social media is filled with examples of what happens when something goes viral, either for better or worse. Examples of viral social media posts offer opportunities for conversations with a child about what is and what isn’t appropriate to share.

Creating a safe gaming environment for children

Tips and strategies for creating a safe gaming environment for children and young people.

Leaving a digital footprint

Your digital footprint is the record of all your interactions online. Once something is posted or shared online, it can be there forever. Understanding your digital footprint helps you choose and control what you leave online for others to find.

Resource - An interview with a fake news creator

A journalist tracks down and interviews a fake news creator.

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