NSW Department of Education

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What makes a good password?

Keeping your passwords strong and secure is one way to stay safe online. What makes a good password?

Searching and sorting information effectively

With these handy hints, anyone can be an expert at searching and sorting information online. Knowing how to effectively search for and sort through information can make browsing the web safer and more productive. Teachers and parents can model to children and young people how to use search terms effectively and how to select trustworthy sources online.

Developing critical thinking skills

Not all information is trustworthy, and some sources of information are intended to mislead or confuse people. For this reason, it is important that children and young people have the critical thinking skill to analyse information and evaluate its authenticity.

Resource - Parents and carers online bullying information

Information about bullying for parents and carers, produced by NSW Department of Education

Resource - Digital Devices Professional Learning

A facilitator led professional learning course on the new "Student use of digital devices" policy

Resource - Student technology lessons and workshops

Student technology workshop lessons

Leaving a digital footprint

Your digital footprint is the record of all your interactions online. Once something is posted or shared online, it can be there forever. Understanding your digital footprint helps you choose and control what you leave online for others to find.

Tips to support safe behaviour online

Staying safe online requires range of skills and attributes from technical knowledge to critical thinking and empathy. These 5 tips introduce some of the key skills for engaging safely online.

Internet banking

Online banking allows you to keep better track of your money, make payments online and easily set up automatic funds transfers. There are some simple precautions you can take to keep your account details secure.

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